Dodge Charger: PERFORMANCE PAGES / Dynamometer (Dyno)

The system will start drawing graphs for Power and Torque (top chart) and Engine
Speed (bottom chart). The graph will fill to the right side of the page (based on
History time selected). Once the right side of the page is reached, the graph will
scroll with the right side always being the most recent recorded sample.
The following options can be selected:
- Pressing the STOP button will freeze the graph. Selecting Play will clear
the graph and restart the process over.
- Press the + or – buttons to change the history of the graph. The selectable
options are “30”, “60”, “90”, or “120” seconds. The graph will expand or constrict
depending on the setting selected.
- Select the “Gear” display setting to turn the graph gear markers on and
off for automatic transmission vehicles only.
The Gear On/Off feature will only display if your vehicle is equipped with an
Automatic Trans- mission.
When selected, this screen displays the following values:
Vehicle SpeedShows the actual vehicle speed.
Engine PowerShows the instantaneous power...
Other information:
Non-Flex Fuel Vehicles (FFV) are compatible with gasoline containing up to 15%
ethanol (E-15). Use of gasoline with higher ethanol content may void the New Vehicle
Limited Warranty.
If a Non-FFV vehicle is inadvertently fueled with E-85 fuel, the engine will
have some or all of these symptoms:
Operate in a lean mode...
If a recall is attempted when the vehicle is not in PARK, a message will be displayed
in the instru- ment cluster display.
To recall the memory settings for driver one or two, push the desired memory
button number (1 or 2) or the unlock button on the key fob linked to the desired
memory position...