Dodge Charger: JACKING AND TIRE CHANGING / Preparations For Jacking
- Park the vehicle on a firm, level surface as far from the edge of the roadway
as possible. Avoid icy or slippery areas.
Do not attempt to change a tire on the side of the vehicle close to
moving traffic. Pull far enough off the road to avoid being hit when operating
the jack or changing the wheel.
- Turn on the Hazard Warning Flashers.
- Apply the parking brake.
- Place the gear selector into PARK (P).
- Turn off the ignition.
- Block both the front and rear of the wheels diagonally opposite of the jacking
position using the provided wheel chocks. For example, if changing the driver’s
front wheel, chock the passenger’s rear wheel. Place both chocks under the tires.

Passengers should not remain in the vehicle when the vehicle is being lifted
or raised.
Do not attempt to change a tire on the side of the vehicle close to
moving traffic. Pull far enough off the road to avoid the danger of being hit
when operating the jack or changing the wheel...
The jack and spare tire are both stowed under an access cover in the trunk. Follow
these steps to access the jack and spare tire.
The spare tire must be removed in order to access the jack...
Other information:
Trunk Emergency Release
As a security measure, a trunk internal emergency release lever is built into
the trunk latching mechanism. In the event of an individual being locked inside
the trunk, the trunk can be opened by actuating the glow-in-the-dark handle attached
to the trunk latching mechanism...
The front outboard seat belt system is equipped with pretensioning devices that
are designed to remove slack from the seat belt in the event of a collision. These
devices may improve the performance of the seat belt by removing slack from the
seat belt early in a collision...