Dodge Charger: JUMP STARTING / Jump Starting Procedure
Failure to follow this jump starting procedure could result in personal
injury or property damage due to battery explosion.
Failure to follow these procedures could result in damage to the charging
system of the booster vehicle or the discharged vehicle.
Connecting The Jumper Cables
- Connect the positive (+) end of the jumper cable to the remote positive
(+) post of the vehicle with the discharged battery.
- Connect the opposite end of the positive (+) jumper cable to the positive
(+) post of the booster battery.
- Connect the negative (-) end of the jumper cable to the negative (-) post
of the booster battery.
- Connect the opposite end of the negative (-) jumper cable to the remote
negative (-) post (exposed metallic/unpainted post of the discharge vehicle)
located directly behind the under-hood fuse box.
Do not connect the jumper cable to the negative (-) post of the discharged
battery. The resulting electrical spark could cause the battery to explode and
could result in personal injury.
- Start the engine in the vehicle that has the booster battery, let the engine
idle a few minutes, and then start the engine in the vehicle with the discharged
Do not run the booster vehicle engine above 2,000 RPM since it provides
no charging benefit, wastes fuel, and can damage booster vehicle engine.
- Once the engine is started, follow the disconnection procedure below.
Disconnecting The Jumper Cables
- Disconnect the negative (-) end of the jumper cable from the remote negative
(-) post of the vehicle with the discharged battery.
- Disconnect the opposite end of the negative (-) jumper cable from the negative
(-) post of the booster battery.
- Disconnect the positive (+) end of the jumper cable from the positive (+)
post of the booster battery.
- Disconnect the opposite end of the positive (+) jumper cable from the remote
positive (+) post of the vehicle with the discharged battery.
If frequent jump starting is required to start your vehicle you should have the
battery and charging system inspected at an authorized dealer.
Accessories plugged into the vehicle power outlets draw power from the
vehicle’s battery, even when not in use (i.e., cellular devices, etc.). Eventually,
if plugged in long enough without engine operation, the vehicle’s battery will discharge
sufficiently to degrade battery life and/or prevent the engine from starting.
The battery is stored under an access cover in the trunk. Remote battery posts
are located on the right side of the engine compartment for jump starting...
The vehicle is equipped with a refueling funnel for a Cap-Less Fuel System. If
refueling is necessary, while using an approved gas can, insert the refueling funnel
into the filler neck opening...
Other information:
The gear selector must be in the PARK position before you can start the engine.
Apply the brakes before shifting into any driving gear.
Shift into or out of PARK or REVERSE only after the vehicle has come
to a complete stop.
Do not shift between PARK, REVERSE, NEUTRAL, or DRIVE when the engine
is above idle speed...
Use the following procedure to untwist a twisted lap/shoulder belt.
Position the latch plate as close as possible to the anchor point.
At about 6 to 12 inches (15 to 30 cm) above the latch plate, grab and twist
the seat belt webbing 180 degrees to create a fold that begins immediately above
the latch plate...