Ensure that the rear fascia/bumper is free of snow, ice, mud, dirt and debris
to keep the ParkSense system operating properly.
Jackhammers, large trucks, and other vibrations could affect the performance
of ParkSense...
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Use this QR code to access your digital experience.
Uconnect works seamlessly with Apple CarPlay®, the smarter, more secure way to
use your iPhone® in the car, and stay focused on the road. Use your Uconnect Touchscreen
display, the vehicle's knobs and controls, and your voice with Siri to get access
to Apple Music®, Maps, Messages, and more...
Wind buffeting can be described as the perception of pressure on the ears or
a helicopter-type sound in the ears. Your vehicle may exhibit wind buffeting with
the windows down, or the sunroof (if equipped) in certain open or partially open