Dodge Charger: VEHICLE MAINTENANCE / Underhood Fuses

Dodge Charger 2011-2025 Owner's Manual / SERVICING AND MAINTENANCE / VEHICLE MAINTENANCE / Underhood Fuses

The Front Power Distribution Center is located in the engine compartment. This module contains fuses and relays. Fuse cavity location and descriptions are printed on the inside of the power distribution center cover.

Dodge Charger. Underhood Fuses

Dodge Charger. Underhood Fuses


  • When installing the power distribution center cover, it is important to ensure the cover is properly positioned and fully latched. Failure to do so may allow water to get into the power distribution center and possibly result in an electrical system failure.
  • When replacing a blown fuse, it is important to use only a fuse having the correct amperage rating. The use of a fuse with a rating other than indicated may result in a dangerous electrical system overload. If a properly rated fuse continues to blow, it indicates a problem in the circuit that must be corrected.

Dodge Charger. Underhood Fuses

Dodge Charger. Underhood Fuses

Dodge Charger. Underhood Fuses


    WARNING! When replacing a blown fuse, always use an appropriate replacement fuse with the same amp rating as the original fuse. Never replace a fuse with another fuse of higher amp rating...

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